Natura 2000Natura 2000
©Natura 2000|T.Lavigne

Sensitive natural areas Natura 2000 zone

Discover our exceptional natural heritage in the belledonne chain

In the heart of the Belledonne mountain range, a natural treasure of exceptional importance stretches as far as the eye can see. The region’s sensitive natural areas are home to remarkable biodiversity, with rare and sometimes endemic species of flora and fauna. These natural gems, testimony to Belledonne’s ecological wealth, are the focus of intense preservation efforts, integrated into protection programs such as the designation as a “natura 2000 area”.

Sensitive natural areas de Belledonne

The Arselle peat bog

The arselle peat bog is an eloquent example of a sensitive natural area. Its acidic soil is home to exceptional botanical diversity, and its landscapes are of rare beauty. Because of its heritage value, this area is designated as a protected space, home even to endangered species, including the arctic cordillera dragonfly.

The brown marshes at Theys

The Marais des Bruns, classified as an Espace Naturel Sensible (ENS) since 2003 at an altitude of 830 to 840 meters, covers 8 hectares along the road from the Col du Barioz to Theys. Discovered for its rare orchid, the musk orchid, in 1995, this site is managed by the commune. It comprises 16 plots, some of which are managed by the Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels de l’Isère. Fed by the watershed and resurgences, the marsh includes two ponds, dry and wet meadows, but remains inaccessible to the public, reserved for a few farmers and botanists.

The Col des Mouilles peat bogs

The Col des Mouilles peat bogs are natural gems in the foothills of the Belledonne massif. The landscape varies from dense forest vegetation to vast clearings, offering a unique visual diversity on every visit.

Other sensitive natural areas

In the Pays d’Allevard, other sensitive natural areas deserve our attention, including the Sailles marsh in Crêts-en-Belledonne, the Bout wetland in Pinsot, Le Praillet, and the Mont Mayen lake, also in Pinsot.

Commitments to preservation

To ensure the long-term survival of these precious ecosystems, robust initiatives are being deployed. Concrete actions aim to preserve and encourage the development of flora and fauna, thus ensuring the continuity of this unique natural heritage in Belledonne.

The Belledonne mountain range reveals a remarkable facet of nature, where the preservation and enhancement of sensitive natural areas is a priority. This exceptional natural heritage is a constant source of wonder, reminding us of the crucial importance of our collective commitment to protecting biodiversity.

Exceptional natural preservation discover the natura 2000 area

Natura 2000 area

The Natura 2000 zone is a European label dedicated to the preservation of natural habitats. Understanding the importance of this zone requires an exploration of the two distinct Natura 2000 categories: SPAs (Special Protection Areas) under the Birds Directive and SACs (Special Areas of Conservation) focused on habitat.

Natura 2000 I11 Cembraie, Pelouses, Lacs et Tourbières de Belledonne, from Chamrousse to Grand Colon

This specific area of the Chaîne de Belledonne, covering the Chamrousse cembraie, high-altitude lakes, peat bogs and alpine meadows, boasts an exceptional diversity of flora and fauna. Specific conservation measures are in place, focusing on sensitive areas such as the Pra, the Colon alpine meadows and the famous Arselle peat bog.

Extent of Natura 2000 area

Spread over five communes with a surface area of 2686 hectares and altitudes ranging from 900 to 2800 meters, the area also encompasses five ZNIEFF (Zones Naturelles d’Intérêt Écologique, Faunistique et Floristique) covering 96% of its surface area. The geological particularity of Belledonne, characterized by juxtaposed siliceous rocks, gives rise to limestone zones and gives the soil its acidic character, enriching the ecosystem with numerous plant species.

Heritage to preserve

The value of this Natura 2000 area lies in its respect and preservation. Everyone has a duty to contribute to its preservation by adopting simple gestures: follow the defined trails, avoid letting dogs roam, and respect the herds in the grazing areas. By preserving this area, we are protecting an exceptional natural heritage within the Belledonne mountain range.

Experiences Living in the area
