Forges MuseumForges Museum
©Forges Museum

Musée des Forges et Moulins de Pinsot : an authentic journey through time

The Musée des Forges et Moulins de Pinsot, nestled in the Haut-Bréda valley, offers a unique immersive experience to understand how forges and mills worked in the past. Much more than just a museum, it transports visitors back in time, to the heart of the daily practices that shaped life in this region.

Guided tours in action

Guided tours of the museum allow visitors to see in action faithful demonstrations of the skills of yesteryear. Captivating films are shown to illustrate the crucial importance of “water, iron, wood and people” in the economy at the heart of the Pays d’Allevard. The museum’s collections of ancient tools are a rich source of information.

The art of the carpenter miner

At the heart of the museum, the iron-beating mill is one of the highlights of the visit. It showcases the exceptional skills of the miners who, thanks to the extraction of iron ore from the mountains, fashioned tools from the reddened iron struck by the forge’s hammer. A regular striking sequence, followed by tempering and sharpening, produced functional tools.

Traditional mills

The tour continues into the heart of the milling tradition, where the production of walnut flour and oil takes center stage. The tantalizing aroma of freshly ground walnuts awakens the senses, while the work process demands precise mastery of gestures and techniques. Mills in action reveal the painstaking crushing of walnut kernels and the meticulous pressing to extract the oil.

A journey from wheat to flour offers a step-by-step understanding of wheat processing, highlighting the crucial importance of the millstone that presses and crushes wheat grains turn after turn. The Musée des Forges et Moulins de Pinsot thus offers a fascinating plunge into the past, celebrating the traditional trades that have shaped life in the region.

Experiences Living in the area
